A woman wearing a white shirt holding a green phone, looking at a budgeting app.

Should You Use a Budgeting App?

Written by Jillian Walsh

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Should You Have a Budgeting App?

Managing your finances can be a stressful and time-consuming task. With so many expenses to keep track of, it can be tough to stay on top of your goals. This is where the benefits of a budgeting app may come in handy. From setting savings targets to tracking your spending, these apps can be your ultimate financial ally. But should you use a budgeting app? In this blog, we’ll explore the pros and cons of these programs, discuss how they can help you manage your money, and determine if a budgeting app is the right choice for you.


What is a Budgeting App?

A budgeting app is a software program that helps you create a budget and, in many cases, can help track your income and spending. Most of these apps can connect your bank accounts, credit cards, investment accounts, and more so you can see your complete financial picture all in one place.

Being able to see a single snapshot of your finances is one of the most significant advantages these apps have over manual budgeting.

By consolidating income and spending into one place, the budgeting process may be more accurate and time-effective in the long run. And while some of these apps do have a subscription model or one-time fee attached, many are free or utilize a hybrid model in-between, allowing the user to take advantage of the basic app for free, while the more premium tools are available to purchase separately.

Do You Need a Budgeting App?

It’s difficult to say for sure whether anyone needs a budgeting app. With the right level of financial literacy and discipline, a notepad and a calculator may be all you need to get the job done.

But for many people, there is so much financial information coming in and going out that a manual means of budgeting can be incredibly overwhelming.

Budgeting apps can be helpful for some and less so for others, so it’s important to weigh the benefits and considerations before deciding.


The Benefits of a Budgeting App


Using a budgeting app can be incredibly convenient. It’s much easier and more efficient than keeping track of your expenses manually and is a much more portable and efficient solution than a spreadsheet or pen and paper. With an app, you can easily monitor your spending and take your budget wherever you go, making savings and expense tracking a breeze.

Economic Mindfulness

Creating a budget is not a one-time task, and budgeting apps are no exception. It is essential to regularly review your expenses and adjust your budget as needed to make informed spending decisions. Budgeting apps make doing this easier, and by consistently monitoring your financial information, you can develop better financial habits and improve your financial awareness.

All-in-One View

Linking your budgeting app to all your financial accounts, including checking and saving accounts, credit cards, loans, and investments, can provide you with a complete overview of your finances. This feature is especially beneficial if you’re focused on reducing your debt or monitoring your net worth monthly. By having all your financial data in a single location, you can quickly pinpoint ways to save money and make better-informed financial choices.

Automatic Alerts

If you want to keep track of your finances, budgeting apps can be beneficial, but they’re only useful if you use them. Luckily, most budgeting apps have an automatic alert feature that can be customized to let you know about important events, even if you haven’t opened the app.

For instance, you can get an alert if there’s an unusual transaction in one of your accounts or if you have bills due soon.

You can also set up alerts to get notifications when your checking account balance falls below a certain amount, which can help you avoid overdrafts. Keep in mind that these alerts can be adjusted or turned off completely, but they’re a great way to stay informed about your finances.

Easy Budgeting and Categorization

Budgeting is an essential skill for managing your money, but when done manually, it’s a task that requires discipline to do effectively. Tracking and categorizing every purchase you make can be tough, but personal finance apps make this easier.

When you use a budgeting app, you can set monthly spending limits for different things like groceries and entertainment, and as you spend using one of your linked accounts, the app will record and sort your expenses. This makes it so you can quickly go back later to review your budget and spending habits and find ways to improve.


A smartphone depicting budget categories for monthly expenses, including home, food, transport, and health

Potential Drawbacks of Using a Budgeting App


While some budgeting apps are free, many require payment upfront or limit access to some of their more helpful features behind a premium subscription or fee.

If the budgeting app you’re using is effective, then this cost may be worth it, but for others who are hesitant to pay for a service while trying to budget, the expense can be off-putting.

One App Doesn’t Fit All

Not all budgeting apps are created equal. While a budgeting app can be handy based on your specific needs, if the app you choose doesn’t align with your usual money management habits, your efforts may prove counterproductive. This could cause frustration and lead you to give up on budgeting apps or budgeting altogether. To avoid this, be sure to do your research and select an app that suits your unique financial situation.

An App Won’t Change Monetary Habits

While budgeting apps can help reduce overspending, they may not be enough on their own to change spending behaviors. Financial apps can help identify budgetary gaps, but they’re limited in their ability to pinpoint the root cause of these habits. This means a budgeting app may not be as effective until other unhealthy financial practices are addressed.

Too Many Features Can Be Overwhelming

The simplicity of a spreadsheet or pen-and-paper budgeting method is detrimental for some people but a benefit to others. Many apps are both budgeting and investment/banking tools. If you are having difficulty managing your spending, this large amount of data may not be useful.

There can be too many features, categories, and options. This can make it difficult to focus on the essentials. As a result, a budgeting app could do more harm than good.

Potential Security Risk

Another potential drawback of budgeting apps is the security risk involved. To get the full benefit of many budgeting apps, you may be asked to link your financial accounts. However, doing this means that if the app gets hacked or your password gets stolen, all the accounts tied to the app may be compromised.

Even if you are not connecting your accounts, you could be concerned about how the application is getting and distributing your data. Many apps do this, and, for some, this may be an acceptable risk, but for others, these kinds of security and privacy concerns outweigh any benefits associated with using a budgeting app.


Budgeting apps are a convenient way to help better your monetary habits. They make financial insights easy, help categorize your expenses and keep you on track, and can be a great tool for managing a budget. But there’s no perfect app, and not everyone may find them helpful, so it’s important to do your research before investing in one.


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